Минерально-сырьевая база Узбекистана составляет более 3,5 млрд. тонн
В Казахстане около 233 горнодобывающих предприятий, производящих широкий спектр сырьевых товаров
По объему разведанных запасов марганца Казахстан занимает третье место в мире
Горнодобывающая деятельность активно осуществляется на 2000 месторождениях Казахстана
Индустриальная карта Казахстана включает в себя 61 горно-металлургический проект с потенциальным объемом инвестиций в размере $10 млрд.
Из 110 элементов таблицы Менделеева 99 содержится в недрах Казахстана
В 2013 г. в Казахстане добыча золота составила 42,390 тонны, что на 6,2% больше, чем в 2012 г.
Одно из крупнейших месторождений золота в Азии с запасами около 514 тонн - рудник Кумтор в Кыргызстане
Кыргызстан является третьим крупнейшим производителем золота в странах бывшего Советского Союза после России и Узбекистана
Узбекистан является вторым крупнейшим производителем золота в странах бывшего Советского Союза
В Таджикистане более 400 месторождений минеральных ресурсов и руд
Туркменистан занимает третье место по запасам серы в мире
Узбекистан входит в 10 ведущих стран в мире по объемам золота, урана, меди и каменной и калийной солей
Минерально-сырьевая база Казахстана включает в себя 5004 месторождения с общей стоимостью $46 млрд.
Over 70 presentations and reports on the mining challenges and prospects in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan were made during the sessions organised at the Forum and the Master classes. More than 30 Kazakh and international companies exhibited mining projects and technologies at the exhibition organised alongside the Forum. MINEX Central Asia Forum was attended by the heads of Ministries and Geological agencies from Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Russia and Germany.
On 1 April, alongside the Forum, a roundtable «Discussion of conceptual approaches for the Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan «On Subsoil» was organised together with Ministry of Industry and New Technologies, Association of Mining and Metallurgical Enterprises, National Entrepreneurs Chamber of Kazakhstan and «Kazenergy» Association.
The Forum concluded with the Gala Dinner and presentation of the 3rd Central Asia’s Mining Photo Competition awards “Prospector. Miner. Metallurgist”.
The 6th “MINEX Central Asia 2015” Mining and Exploration Forum will be held in Astana (Republic of Kazakhstan) from 17-19 March 2015.
The early bird registrations for 2015 will be tentatively accepted via the 2014 Forum website. The 2014 delegate and exhibitor prices will apply until further notice.
The 10% early bird discounts will be offered for delegate and exhibitor bookings received before 31 January 2015.
The MINEX Central Asia 2015 Forum organising committee will accept the following registrations:
For further information please send enquiry to admin@minexforum.com
International trade and investment exhibition show will be held alongside the Forum on 1 and 2 April. Open to visitors and general public, the show offers unique opportunities to both international and domestic companies to demonstrate their products, services and projects to highly sophisticated target audience.
Over 700 senior managers and directors visited the show organised in 2013. Among the officials who visited the show were Aset Isekeshev, Deputy Prime Minister /Minister of Industry & New Technologies of Kazakhstan; Nulran Sauranbaev, Deputy Minister of Industry & New Technologies of Kazakhstan; Jan Vapaavuori, Minister of Economic Affairs, Ministry of Employment and the Economy of Finland and many others.
Book the exhibition stand before 14 March
Exhibitor terms and booking form
Over 70 national and international companies and experts presented at MINEX Central Asia Forum in 2014 offering their views on current mining practices, projects, technologies and regulatory developments. Forum provided a powerful incentive for the multilateral exchange of information and better understanding of the on-going changes in the mining industry of the Central Asian region opening new opportunities to international investors and business partnerships.
MINEX Central Asia Forum Technical committee calls on national and international mining experts, analysts, investors, technological companies and government authorities to submit before 31 January 2015 abstracts to be considered for presentation at the Forum
Speaker terms and application form
MINEX Central Asia Mining and Exploration Forum is the largest and most significant international industry event organised in the region since 2010 with the objective of stimulating multidisciplinary and multilateral discussions of prospects for Kazakhstan’s and other Central Asia’s states transition to advanced and innovative mining and mineral exploration practices. The Forum provides an international platform for holding business meetings, signing of agreements and organising presentations of the cutting edge prospecting and mining technologies, emerging mining and exploration projects, mining investment opportunities, subsoil use regulation updates and much more.
MINEX Central Asia 2014 Forum brought together more than 350 senior executives and specialists from the mining industry of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Mongolia, China, Japan, Korea, Russia, Ukraine, United Kingdom, France, Germany, Finland, Canada, Australia, Austria and the USA.
Book the delegate place before 31 january 2015 to qualify for 10% registration discount.
Participation terms and booking form
MINEX sponsorship empowers companies with the opportunities for standing out from the crowd and broadening competitive edge and credibility at a prestigious and unparalleled Mining Event in Central Asia.
With one of our sponsorship packages your company can:
– Provide thought leadership
– Demonstrate expertise
– Make new contacts
– Gain prime exposure to senior decision-makers
– Showcase your company’s activities
– Position yourself as a key player
In addition to the forum sponsorship, companies can sponsor trade delegations, associated events and site visits.
Enquire about sponsorship opportunities
Please contact Arthur Poliakov, Head of MINEX Central Asia Organising Committee to discuss details.
Tel: + 44 (0) 207 520 9341 (London) Email: admin@minexforum.com