General Director, RJC

Session 3 - Geological data and information disclosure
Informational and technological support for mineral exploration projects - a basis of creating national geological data banks
Preservation and increasing the resource potential is one of the most important tasks of strengthening the independence of any state. The key factors here are the level of knowledge of the territory and the quality of geological information. The only quality of field geological data allows doing repeated revaluation of objects in the face of metals global prices technical decline or geopolitical situation changes.During last years modern computer solutions replaced traditional tools and technologies for collecting, storing and processing of geological data. It brought higher speed and precision of data processing as well as unification of national and industrial standards. These changes make possible to consider the resource potential as a serious argument in the international and home state policy.
The global turn of mining industry players to digital technologies makes possible creation of the state bank of geological information. The presence of raw geological information in the digital form allows not only controlling performance and progress of exploration work in the real-time, but also to simplify significantly a process of acceptance of the results, as well as their transfer to storage in the State Archives.