Corporate Consultant - Geochemistry, SRK Consulting Ltd

Eur. Geol. R. J. Bowell Ph.D., C. Chem MRSC, C. Geol FGS FIMMM.
Geochemist with 27 year’s experience. Background in applied geology in tropical and deeply weathered terrain’s and mining consulting in the fields of due diligence, financial and technical audits, process chemistry, environmental geochemistry, environmental engineering and mineralogy. Specializes in the application of chemistry and mineralogy to solve engineering problems. Specialization in uranium, copper and REE deposits and experience in gold, lithium, base metals, nickel-PGE, coal, iron, phosphate, tin, beryllium, fluorite and manganese. Experience in North America, South America, Greenland, Africa and in Eastern Europe.
Geochemical Assessment and Management of Mine Waste
Environmental Geology of ARDMLCollecting data – sampling and field assessment
Testwork methods of ARDML
Geochemical prediction of ARDML