Principal Geotechnical Consultant, SRK Consulting (Russia) Ltd
Alexander has more than 35 years experience in mining with specialization in geotechnical assessment and control of rock mass. He participated in foundation of a geotechnical department for the mines and he is trained geotechnical specialists. He introduced a new method of pillars recovery in mined-out area at Zhezkazgan, 20 Mt of ore was produced using this method. Alexander also proposed a method and software to estimate of Pillars Stability and Load Redistribution for pillars recovery. He was involved in development of methodology for comprehensive monitoring of mined out areas taking into account conditions of pillars, rock mass seismic activity and surface subsidence.

SRK Master Class: Talk 7 - Underground Case Study: Russian and international experience in assessing the Open Stope Stability

Underground Case Study: Russian and international experience in assessing the Open Stope Stability.

The Ridder-Sokolny Mine was used as an example to demonstrate the Mathews graph method for stope stability assessment. The method is based on the processing of the collected historical and recent data related to open stope parameters with different stability conditions. The object classification methods are used to determine the Stable, Unstable and Caved conditions based on the collected field data. The established stope stability condition is used then to determine the allowable parameters of the open stopes at which the hanging wall of the void area will remain stable.