Silver Sponsor

VNIPIpromtechnologii OJSC is a full-service company that performs a full cycle of design and survey works as well as scientific and research works for:

  • Building and reconstruction of companies that specializes in mining and processing of uranium, rare-earth elements, non-ferrous metals ores and precious metals ores;
  • Recovery of territories damaged by radioactive waste;
  • Radiation-dangerous works at handling, operating and liquidation of nuclear weapon and nuclear munitions;
  • Building of nuclear-waste repositories and radioactive waste disposal facilities;
  • Liquidation of industrial facilities that were build using nuclear technology;
  • Handling of radioactive waste, reactor blocks and spent nuclear fuel from atomic submarine utilization.

Currently VNIPIpromtechnologii OJSC is an engineering subsidiary company of ARMZ Uranium Holing Co. It performs design and survey works as well as scientific and research works for both companies of the Holding and the third parties.

Seeking to comply with market demands our company is actively developing itself and its competencies and discovers new areas of activity. The Institute is located in Moscow and has its own exploration base in Moscow area and a branch in the city of Chita. The company has about 500 high-quality specialists. Their working places are upgraded with the modern equipment and software. Our highly skilled specialists are capable to participate in implementation of large-scale projects of development of atomic sector and mining industry.